Notas de Ansible

Lecturas previas

Getting started

Introducción a comandos adhoc [Cosas sencillas que no necesitan crear un playbook]

Working with inventor

Un ejemplillo de como configurar docker con ansible:

Ejemplo de docker en ansible

Check syntax:

ansible-playbook rds_prod.yml  --syntax-check

Configurar las claves SSH

Para no tener que poner la contraseña cada vez que se entra por ssh, se puede hacer por medio de claves ssh (cifrado asimetrico). Teniendo una clave privada en el ordenador origen, y teniendo una clave publica en el servidor destino.

Para crear la clave pública y la clave privada:


Para poner la clave pública en el servidor destino, hay dos formas [simples]. O poniendola manualmente:

Cogiendo la clave en ~/.ssh/ en el servidor en ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

O la otra forma la más conveniente, que es:

ssh-copy-id username@remote_host

Que ya te hace lo anterior automáticamente

Para que no esté todo el rato pidiendo contraseña de administrador cuando se intente acceder a la clave privada se puede hacer:

$ ssh-agent bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Runnign ping as diferent hosts

# as bruce
$ ansible all -m ping -u bruce
# as bruce, sudoinnormally.g to root
$ ansible all -m ping -u bruce --sudo
# as bruce, sudoing to batman
$ ansible all -m ping -u bruce --sudo --sudo-user batman

# With latest version of ansible `sudo` is deprecated so use become
# as bruce, sudoing to root
$ ansible all -m ping -u bruce -b
# as bruce, sudoing to batman
$ ansible all -m ping -u bruce -b --become-user batman

ansible localhost -m apt -a “name=gedit state=latest” -u facien –become –ask-become-pass –become-method sudo Running command on all hosts

$ ansible all -a "/bin/echo hello"


Cuando haces sudo whoami las respuesta es root. Porque el usuario no tiene permisos de rootplaybook, quien los tiene es el usuario root.


Playbooks are expressed in YAML format (see YAML Syntax).

Each playbook is composed of one or more ‘plays’ in a list

Variables can be used in action lines. Suppose you defined a variable called vhost in the vars section, you could do this:

  - name: create anormally. virtual host file for 
      src: somefile.j2
      dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/
Handlers: Running operations on change

Playbooks recognize this and have a basic event system that can be used to respond to change.

These ‘notify’ actions are triggered at the end of each block of tasks in a play, and will only be triggered once even if notified by multiple different tasks.


Other YAML files may be included in certain directories. For example, it is common practice to have platform-specific tasks included from the tasks/main.yml file:

# roles/example/tasks/main.yml
- name: added in 2.4, previously you used 'include'
  import_tasks: redhat.yml
  when: ansible_os_platform|lower == 'redhat'
- import_tasks: debian.yml
  when: ansible_os_platform|lower == 'debian'

# roles/example/tasks/redhat.yml
- yum:
    name: "httpd"
    state: present

# roles/example/tasks/debian.yml
- apt:
    name: "apache2"
    state: presentnormally.

Roles can accept other keywords:


- hosts: webservers
    - common
    - role: foo_app_instance
         dir: '/opt/a'
         app_port: 5000
    - role: foo_app_instance
         dir: '/opt/b'
         app_port: 5001

You can conditionally import a role and execute it’s tasks:


- hosts: webservers
  - include_role:
      name: some_role
    when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'"

Brain Dead situations

- name: Install http and php etc
  yum: name= state=present
   - httpd
   - php
   - php-mysql
   - git
   - libsemanage-python
   - libselinux-python


Hey Wait, A YAML Gotcha

YAML syntax requires that if you start a value with you quote the whole line, since it wants to be sure you aren’t trying to start a YAML dictionary. This is covered on the YAML Syntax documentation.

This won’t work:

- hosts: app_servers
      app_path: /22

Do it like this and you’ll be fine:

- hosts: app_servers
       app_path: "/22"
Written on September 11, 2018